Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Find and Use the Mirror Of Loss

mirror of loss bg3

Forget dumping points into the wrong skills or wishing your barbarian was a bit smarter. The Mirror of Loss in Baldur’s Gate 3 gives you a shot at a total character makeover. But before you rush in, know this: it won’t be easy to find, and the cost is steep. Ready to see if it’s worth the risk?

Where to Find the Mirror of Loss (BG3)?

Finding the Mirror of Loss is a bit of a quest in itself! Here’s how to get your hands on its power:

  1. Reach the Underdark: This is the big first step. You’ll need to progress through a good chunk of the Baldur’s Gate 3 storyline before reaching this shadowy subterranean world.
  2. The Temple of Shar: Hidden in the Underdark, this temple is dedicated to the goddess of darkness. It might be linked to a certain companion’s questline…hint, hint!
  3. The Gauntlet of Shar: You didn’t think it would be simple, did you? Expect puzzles and challenges – this is Baldur’s Gate 3, after all! Complete the gauntlet to gain access to the Mirror’s chamber.
  4. Locate the Mirror: It’ll be shimmering with otherworldly energy – you can’t miss it. However, getting it to actually work for you is another story…

Pro Tip: The Mirror of Loss is found in Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3, so don’t waste time searching in the early game. Getting into the Underdark itself takes time!

Using the Mirror of Loss in Baldur’s Gate 3

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Okay, you’ve found the Mirror of Loss deep within Shar’s temple. But don’t think you can just waltz up and start tweaking your character. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Pass Those Skill Checks: You’ll need a successful Arcana check to understand the Mirror’s true nature, and a Religion check to make a proper offering. Fail either, and you’re out of luck.
  2. Make the Sacrifice: Shar doesn’t offer her power for free. You’ll lose a permanent point in one of your core ability scores. Choose wisely, because this sacrifice can’t be undone.
  3. Choose Your Upgrade: Finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for! Select the ability score you want to boost and watch the magic happen.

Pro Tip: Save your game before interacting with the Mirror. If you’re not happy with the results, you can reload and try again (assuming those skill checks were successful).

Pros & Cons: Should You Use the Mirror of Loss?

The Mirror of Loss isn’t a “one size fits all” answer for every Baldur’s Gate 3 player. Before sacrificing to Shar, consider this:


  • Fix Early Mistakes: Regretting your initial point spread? The mirror gives you a second chance.
  • Optimize Your Build: It lets you create a perfectly min-maxed character.
  • Adapt Your Playstyle: Want to try a totally different build mid-game? The Mirror makes it possible.


  • Feels Like Cheating: For some players, it diminishes the challenge of character creation.
  • The Price Is High: Losing a permanent ability score is significant.
  • Story Implications: Some characters (and your companions!) may not approve of you meddling with dark powers.

The Verdict: It truly depends on the kind of player you are. If you love having full control over your build, or want to experiment risk-free, the Mirror is a tempting option. If you prioritize immersion and prefer choices to have true consequences, you might want to leave it untouched.

Mirror of Loss and Your Companions

Thinking you’ll use the Mirror without anyone noticing? Think again! Most of your Baldur’s Gate 3 companions won’t be thrilled about you messing with dark forces. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Disapproval: Expect disapproval, particularly from good-aligned companions like Shadowheart or Wyll. This can impact your relationship and potentially even their storylines.
  • Potential Romance Impact: Getting too close to the dark side might put off potential love interests. Think twice if you’re chasing after that special someone.
  • A Few Exceptions: Not everyone will hate it. If your party’s full of morally flexible characters, you might get less flack.

Pro Tip: Talk to your companions before using the mirror. You might get some interesting insights, and can at least try to mitigate any major damage to your relationships.

Can You Respec Again with the Mirror?

Unfortunately, the Mirror of Loss is a one-time deal. No take-backs or further changes are allowed. This is why that sacrifice and careful consideration are so important!

The short answer is simple: If you’re not sure, better safe than sorry. The Mirror of Loss will still be there if you change your mind later!

What does the Mirror of Loss do in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Answer: The Mirror of Loss in Baldur’s Gate 3 allows you to completely redistribute your character’s attribute points and skills. However, using it requires a sacrifice to the goddess Shar, resulting in a permanent penalty to one of your ability scores.


The Mirror of Loss is a powerful, but double-edged tool in your Baldur’s Gate 3 arsenal. It can help you perfect your build or dramatically switch playstyles, but it comes with costs, both in-game and for the story.

Ultimately, the decision rests with you. Weigh those pros and cons carefully, and be prepared to face the consequences!

The Mirror of Loss in Baldur’s Gate 3 FAQs

Q: Where can I find the Mirror of Loss? A: The Mirror of Loss is hidden deep in the Temple of Shar, within the Underdark. You’ll likely need to progress through a significant portion of the game and side quests before reaching it.

Q: Can I use the Mirror of Loss multiple times? A: No, unfortunately. The Mirror of Loss can only be used once per character. Choose your sacrifice and stat boost with care!

Q: Will my companions approve of me using the Mirror of Loss? A: Most companions will disapprove, especially those with strong moral codes. This can impact your relationships with them and even influence certain questlines.

Q: Are there any other ways to respec in Baldur’s Gate 3? A: Currently, the Mirror of Loss is the only way to completely redistribute your character’s attribute points. However, some skills and choices can be changed with other methods in-game.

Q: Is the Mirror of Loss worth using? A: This depends on your playstyle and preference! If you want complete control over your build, regret your initial choices, or enjoy experimenting, it might be worth the sacrifice to Shar. For players who want to roleplay and embrace the consequences of their decisions, it’s a tougher call.

Got any more questions about the Mirror of Loss? Drop them in the comments!

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