How to Collect Argon in Starfield: 5 Essential Strategies

how to collect argon starfield

A lot of players in Starfield might think Argon is just another space element to ignore. But let me tell you, if you want to make a splash in this galaxy, you need to start learning how to collect Argon in Starfield! This stuff is surprisingly valuable, and whether you’re crafting high-tech upgrades, need some quick credits, or have grand base-building plans, Argon is a resource you’ll constantly be needing.

This guide will show you where to find those precious Argon deposits and how to collect Argon in Starfield into your inventory even in the early stages.

Planets Rich in Argon: Your Argon Hunting Grounds

Not every planet is created equal when it comes to Argon. Here’s where you’ll have the best luck finding those Argon vents:

  • Systems with Gas Giants: Look for systems in your star map that have large gas planets. Moons orbiting these giants often have rich Argon deposits.
  • Barren Worlds: Rocky, lifeless planets can surprisingly be hotbeds for Argon. Don’t ignore them just because they look uninviting.
  • Starter Systems: Good news – some of the initial star systems you encounter (like Alpha Centauri) have planets with plenty of Argon to get you going.

Telltale Signs: Spotting Those Argon Vents

Once you land on a promising planet, it’s time to start scanning. Argon vents have a few distinct features:

  • The Blue Glow: They release a faint bluish gas – keep an eye out for these wisps of color.
  • Scanner Readings: Your scanner will pick up on Argon deposits, highlighting them for you.
  • Environmental Clues: Vents are often found in rocky areas or near craters.

Important Note: Argon, while valuable, is also hazardous. Make sure you’ve got a decent spacesuit on before you go harvesting – those fumes can pack a punch!

Manual Harvesting: Getting Your Hands Dirty (or Gauntlet-y)

Sometimes, you just need to roll up your sleeves and get the Argon yourself. Here’s your how-to guide:

  • Suit Up for Success: Before approaching those vents, check your spacesuit’s integrity (“dangers of collecting argon starfield”). You’ll want something that offers some environmental protection.
  • The Approach: Get as close as possible to the vent – you should see a “Harvest” prompt pop up.
  • Harvest Time: Hit that button and watch your Argon reserves grow! Just don’t linger in the gas too long.
  • Early Game Option (“How to collect argon starfield early game”): If fancy suits are out of reach, grab quick bursts of Argon and retreat to safety until you can upgrade.

Automation: Let the Outposts Do the Work

Manual harvesting is great, but want to streamline your Argon income? Outposts and extractors are your answer! Here’s the lowdown:

  • Outpost Establishment 101: Find a juicy Argon deposit and establish an outpost nearby. It’s your base of operations!
  • Extractor Power: Build an Argon extractor directly over the vent (“starfield argon extractor vs. manual harvesting”). This baby automates the whole process.
  • Finding the Sweet Spot (“Best places to farm argon in starfield”): Ideally you want multiple vents close to each other, maximizing your outpost’s efficiency.

Pro Tip: Keep an eye on your extractor’s storage. You’ll need to manually collect the Argon once it’s full!

Utilizing Your Argon Haul: From Raw Material to Powerhouse

So, you’ve got a nice Argon stockpile, but what now? Here’s where things get exciting:

  • Crafting Powerhouse (“Argon uses in starfield crafting”): Argon is used in a surprising number of blueprints, from weapon mods to high-tier suit upgrades.
  • Trading for Profit (“how much argon to sell starfield”?): If you’re short on credits, raw Argon can fetch a decent price on the galactic market.
  • The Choice is Yours: Do you invest your Argon in personal upgrades or turn a profit? It’s up to your playstyle!

Advanced Argon Tips and Tricks: Become a Pro

Knowing the basics is great, but let’s take you to the next level:

  • Suit Specialization (“starfield argon suit upgrades”): As you progress, look for suits or upgrades that boost environmental resistance or reduce harvest time.
  • Cluster Hunting: Finding several Argon vents close together is a goldmine – set up an outpost and rake it in!
  • Scanner Savvy (“How to find argon vents in starfield”): If your scanner has the range, scan planets from orbit – sometimes you can spot Argon deposits from space.

Bonus Tip: Keep track of where you find great Argon planets! You might want to come back later in the game with better gear and outposts for serious profit.

Conclusion: The Argon Master

Think of collecting Argon in Starfield as a skill that evolves with you. You started by scavenging those first few vents, and now you’re setting up outposts and raking in the galactic credits.

Here’s the takeaway:

  • Experiment and Adapt: Don’t be afraid to try different collection methods and see what works for your playstyle.
  • Invest Wisely: Think about whether you want to use your Argon for upgrades, selling, or a bit of both.
  • The Journey Continues: Starfield is a massive game – who knows what other Argon-rich planets or harvesting tech awaits!

With this knowledge, you’re well on your way to conquering Starfield’s Argon resources. If you have any more questions, or discover your own cool tips, share them in the comments below!

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