Fallout 4: 10 Best Weapons & How To Get Them

Hey there, fellow! Ready to up your game in Fallout 4? Whether you’re blasting Deathclaws or sneaking through the ruins of Boston, having the right firepower makes all the difference. We’ve scoured the Commonwealth to bring you the ultimate guide to the top 10 weapons in Fallout 4. From devastating shotguns to energy weapons that’ll make a Super Mutant think twice, we’ve got the scoop on where to find them and how to make them yours. Let’s get started and turn you into the wasteland’s most formidable force!

10 Righteous Authority – Critical Hits Galore

Righteous Authority gun Fallout 4

Meet your new best friend, the Righteous Authority. This isn’t just any laser rifle. It’s a crit-building machine that turns you into a wasteland sharpshooter. With double damage on critical hits and the ability to fill your crit meter faster, it’s a must-have for anyone who loves seeing those satisfying crit numbers pop.

How to find Righteous Authority weapons in Fallout 4

Paladin Danse is your go-to guy for this beauty. After lending him a hand at the Cambridge Police Station and powering through the “Call to Arms” quest, he’ll hand over the Righteous Authority. It’s a token of appreciation that’s well worth the effort. Just follow the questline, and soon, you’ll be critting your way through the Commonwealth like a boss.

9 Overseer’s Guardian – Double the Trouble

Overseer's Guardian fallout-4

The Overseer’s Guardian is a beast of a combat rifle that shoots an extra projectile with each shot. Imagine the damage! It’s perfect for those who love versatility since you can mod it to fit any situation, whether you’re sniping from afar or getting up close and personal. This weapon is a game-changer, turning tough battles into a walk in the park.

How to find Overseer’s Guardian weapons in Fallout 4

Vault 81 is where this gem is hiding. But getting in isn’t as simple as knocking on the door. You’ll either need to charm your way in or help out with a quest. Once inside, find the vendor and prepare to part with some caps. It’s an investment that’ll pay off, making every cap spent totally worth it.

8 Kiloton Radium Rifle – Radioactive Rainmaker

Kiloton Radium Rifle Fallout 4

The Kiloton Radium Rifle isn’t just any old shooter; it’s a radioactive nightmare for your enemies. This bad boy adds explosive damage to each shot, plus a nasty dose of radiation. It’s like hitting your foes with a triple whammy every time you pull the trigger. Trust me, ghouls and raiders won’t know what hit ’em.

How to find Kiloton Radium Rifle weapons in Fallout 4

You’ll find this gem in the Nucleus, hanging out with the Children of Atom. Head over to Far Harbor and look for a fella named Kane. He’s the merchant with the goods. It might cost you a pretty penny, but hey, can you really put a price on irradiated explosions? I didn’t think so.

7 Deliverer – Silent But Deadly

Deliverer Fallout 4

Now, for something a bit more subtle. The Deliverer. This compact pistol is a stealth player’s dream. With enhanced VATS accuracy and reduced Action Point cost, it’s perfect for those who like to keep it quiet and deadly. Sneak through the shadows, take aim, and watch as your enemies drop without even knowing you’re there.

How to find Deliverer weapons in Fallout 4

This sleek piece of hardware comes courtesy of the Railroad. Dive into their questline, and you’ll be rewarded with the Deliverer after a bit of espionage work. It’s a testament to the old adage: “Speak softly and carry a silenced pistol.” Or something like that.

6 Wazer Wifle – Unlimited Power

Wazer Wifle Fallout 4

Ever dreamt of shooting endlessly without worrying about ammo? Enter the Wazer Wifle, your dream come true. This laser rifle doesn’t just look cool; it lets you fire away without ever running out of ammo. It’s perfect for long explorations where scavenging for bullets feels like a chore.

How to find Wazer Wifle weapons in Fallout 4

To get your hands on this infinite shooter, you’ll need to buddy up with Shaun (the synth version) at the Institute. Complete a few favors for him, and he’ll reward you with this limitless laser. It’s a heartwarming gift from a son to a parent, proving that sometimes, the best things in the wasteland are free.

5 Spray n’ Pray – Explosive Rounds Galore

spray and pray fallout 4

If you like your bullets to do more than just pierce, the Spray n’ Pray is your kind of weapon. Each bullet explodes on impact, dealing damage to anyone unlucky enough to be close to your target. It’s chaos in the form of a submachine gun, perfect for those who find joy in the mayhem.

How to find Wazer Wifle weapons in Fallout 4

Cricket, the wandering merchant, is the keeper of this explosive secret. You’ll find her trekking between major settlements, with this treasure in her inventory. It might cost a chunk of your caps, but the ability to rain explosive bullets on your foes? Priceless.

4 Big Boy – Double the Nukes

big boy gun Fallout 4

Ever thought, “One mini-nuke is great, but what about two?” Meet the Big Boy, a legendary Fat Man that launches not one, but two mini-nukes per shot. This is the definition of overkill, perfect for when you absolutely, positively need to obliterate everything in your vicinity.

How to find Big Boy weapons in Fallout 4

Arturo Rodriguez in Diamond City holds the key to this nuclear powerhouse. Save up those caps, because this beast doesn’t come cheap. But can you really put a price on the ability to rain double destruction? I think not.

3 Final Judgment – Rapid-Fire Annihilation

Final Judgment Fallout 4

For those who prefer a more direct approach, the Final Judgment is your go-to. This Gatling laser spits out rounds at an insane rate, shredding through enemies like paper. It’s Elder Maxson’s pride and joy, and soon, it could be yours, adding a relentless barrage of laser fire to your arsenal.

How to find Final Judgment weapons in Fallout 4

You’ll have a choice to make: side with the Institute during “Airship Down” or perfect your pickpocketing skills to lift it from Elder Maxson himself. Whichever path you choose, the reward is this beast of a weapon that’s sure to tip the scales in any battle.

2 Gauss Rifle – Sniper’s Dream

Gauss rifle fallout 4

The Gauss Rifle is the sniper’s answer to “How do I stop that thing way over there?” With its magnetic propulsion system, this rifle sends projectiles flying at incredible speeds, dealing massive damage at long ranges. It’s perfect for those who prefer to take out threats before they even see you coming.

How to find Gauss Rifle weapons in Fallout 4

This marvel of wasteland engineering can be yours through various means. Completing the quest “The Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution” is one way. Alternatively, keep your eyes peeled for high-level merchants; they sometimes stock this beauty. Either way, the Gauss Rifle is a must-have for precision marksmen.

1 Grognak’s Axe – Chop ‘Til You Drop

Grognak's Axe Fallout 4

For those who like their combat up close and personal, Grognak’s Axe is a relic from a bygone era that lets you live out your barbarian fantasies. This isn’t just any melee weapon; it’s a piece of comic book history that packs a serious punch, allowing you to cleave through enemies with ease.

How to find Grognak’s Axe

The journey to wielding this iconic axe takes you to Hubris Comics. Inside, you’ll find it locked behind a display case, just waiting for a worthy warrior to claim it. It’s a nod to the past, proving that even in a world of lasers and nukes, a good old-fashioned axe can still hold its own.

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