Best Marksman Rifles in mw Modern Warfare 3:

When it comes to dominating the battlefield in Modern Warfare 3 (MW3), many players believe that any marksman rifle will do the trick. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, choosing the best marksman rifle can make all the difference between victory and defeat. Let’s dive into the world of MW3 marksman rifles and uncover the top contenders for the title of the best marksman rifle.

M14 EBR gun in mw3

Introduction to MW3 Marksman Rifles

In the fast-paced world of MW3, marksman rifles serve as the go-to weapons for players looking to pick off enemies from a distance with precision and accuracy. These rifles are designed to excel in long-range combat situations, offering high damage output and minimal recoil. Understanding the nuances of each marksman rifle is crucial for success on the battlefield.

When it comes to selecting the best marksman rifle, players often look for a combination of factors, including damage per shot, rate of fire, handling, and attachment options. While some rifles may excel in raw damage, others may offer better accuracy or versatility. It’s essential to find the right balance that suits your playstyle and objectives.

In the competitive world of MW3, every decision matters. Whether you’re engaging in intense sniper duels or providing cover fire for your team, having the best marksman rifle can give you a significant advantage. So, let’s take a closer look at the top contenders for the title of the best marksman rifle in MW3.

Overview of Marksman Rifles in MW3

Marksman rifles come in various shapes and sizes in MW3, each with its own unique characteristics and strengths. From the powerhouse damage dealers to the precision-focused sharpshooters, there’s a marksman rifle to suit every playstyle.

Among the most popular choices is the MK14, known for its impressive damage per shot and versatility across different ranges. With the right attachments, the MK14 can be transformed into a deadly weapon capable of taking down enemies with just a few well-placed shots.

Another standout option is the Dragunov, favored by players for its high rate of fire and consistent performance in medium to long-range engagements. While it may lack the raw damage of some other rifles, its rapid fire rate makes it a formidable choice for skilled marksmen.

Additionally, the RSASS deserves mention for its exceptional accuracy and minimal recoil, making it ideal for players who prioritize precision and control in their shots. With the right attachments and perks, the RSASS can become a lethal tool in the hands of a skilled operator.

In the next sections, we’ll delve deeper into the strengths and weaknesses of each marksman rifle, providing valuable insights to help you make an informed decision when choosing the best weapon for your MW3 loadout.

By understanding the nuances of each rifle and considering factors such as damage, accuracy, and handling, you can elevate your gameplay and become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. So, let’s gear up and explore the world of MW3 marksman rifles together!

Breaking Down the Top 10 Marksman Rifles in MW3

Despite the misconception that all marksman rifles are created equal in MW3, savvy players know that certain rifles stand out from the rest. In this section, we’ll explore the top 10 marksman rifles that have earned their spot at the pinnacle of MW3 weaponry.

Top 10 Marksman Rifles Ranked

  • MK14
  • Dragunov
  • M14 EBR
  • Barrett .50cal
  • L118A
  • AS50
  • MSR
  • Type 95

Best Modern Warfare 3 Marksman Rifles

9 MK14 EBR

MK14 in MW3 with it's attributes

The MK14 is a versatile semi-automatic rifle renowned for its high damage and accuracy. With minimal recoil, it excels in mid-range engagements, offering players the precision and adaptability needed to navigate diverse combat scenarios. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to deliver precise shots while maintaining control, making it a favored choice among players who prioritize accuracy and versatility.

8 Dragunov

Dragunov in mw3

The Dragunov stands out as a semi-automatic sniper rifle with moderate damage output and a high rate of fire. Designed for swift long-range combat, it provides players with agility and flexibility on the battlefield. Its balanced attributes make it ideal for players who value speed and adaptability, allowing them to swiftly engage and eliminate targets with precision and efficiency.


Meanwhile, the RSASS emerges as a semi-automatic sniper rifle distinguished by its high accuracy and minimal recoil. Tailored for medium to long-range engagements, it offers players precise shots and control over their fire, ensuring consistent performance in various combat situations. Its reliability and precision make it a preferred choice for players seeking steady and effective performance in their marksmanship endeavors.

6 M14 EBR

In contrast, the M14 EBR presents itself as a semi-automatic rifle boasting high damage and versatility. With the capability for quick follow-up shots, it suits aggressive playstyles, providing players with adaptability and effectiveness in a variety of scenarios. Favored by those who enjoy dynamic combat tactics, it offers the means to engage opponents aggressively while maintaining precision and control.

5 Barrett .50cal

Lastly, the Barrett .50cal emerges as a bolt-action sniper rifle renowned for its devastating damage output. Despite its slower rate of fire, it excels in precise long-range shooting, delivering powerful shots capable of securing one-shot kills. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to eliminate targets with swift and precise precision, making it an invaluable asset for players who prioritize decisive and lethal marksmanship.

4 L118A

The L118A is a bolt-action sniper rifle distinguished by its high damage and accuracy. Designed for patient and precise long-range shooting, it offers players the ability to eliminate targets with pinpoint precision. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to deliver devastating shots with accuracy, making it a favored choice for players who value precision marksmanship and calculated engagements.

3 AS50

The AS50 emerges as a semi-automatic sniper rifle renowned for its high damage output and fast rate of fire. Designed for rapid follow-up shots in long-range combat, it provides players with the means to engage and eliminate targets swiftly and decisively. Its versatility and lethality make it a favored choice for players who seek to dominate the battlefield with aggressive and efficient marksmanship.


Similarly, the MSR presents itself as a bolt-action sniper rifle characterized by its high damage and long-range capabilities. Designed for precision shooting and single-shot eliminations, it offers players the ability to eliminate targets with lethal accuracy. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to deliver decisive shots with precision, making it an invaluable asset for players who prioritize lethal and precise marksmanship.

1 Type 95

Lastly, the Type 95 emerges as an assault rifle featuring burst-fire mode and moderate damage output. Suited for aggressive medium-range engagements, it provides players with the means to deliver bursts of accurate fire while maintaining mobility and flexibility on the battlefield. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to engage and eliminate targets swiftly and efficiently, making it a favored choice for players who seek to dominate close to mid-range combat scenarios with decisive firepower.

Comparison of Marksman Rifles

As we’ve seen, each marksman rifle in MW3 offers its own unique blend of strengths and weaknesses. While some rifles may excel in raw power, others prioritize accuracy, rate of fire, or versatility. Understanding the nuances of each rifle is key to selecting the one that best suits your playstyle and objectives on the battlefield.

When comparing marksman rifles, it’s essential to consider factors such as damage per shot, rate of fire, recoil, handling, and attachment options. While some rifles may shine in one area, they may fall short in others. Finding the right balance that aligns with your preferences and playstyle is crucial for success in MW3.

In the next sections, we’ll delve deeper into the strengths and weaknesses of each marksman rifle, providing valuable insights to help you make an informed decision when choosing the best weapon for your MW3 loadout.

By understanding the intricacies of each rifle and considering factors such as damage, accuracy, and handling, you can elevate your gameplay and become a formidable force on the battlefield. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of MW3 marksman rifles together!

Contrary to popular belief, becoming a marksman rifle expert in MW3 isn’t just about picking the right weapon. It’s about mastering the art of precision shooting, adapting to different situations, and outsmarting your opponents. In this section, we’ll uncover expert tips and strategies to help you dominate the battlefield with your marksman rifle.

Tips for Mastering Marksman Rifles

  1. Perfect Your Aim: Practice makes perfect when it comes to marksmanship. Spend time honing your aim in both single-player and multiplayer modes to improve your accuracy and consistency.
  2. Experiment with Attachments: Explore different attachments for your marksman rifle, such as scopes, grips, and muzzle devices, to find the setup that best suits your playstyle and preferences.
  3. Master Movement: Mobility is key to survival in MW3. Learn how to move efficiently while aiming down sights to maintain accuracy while on the move.
  4. Positioning is Everything: Position yourself strategically on the battlefield to maximize your visibility and minimize your exposure to enemy fire. Use cover and elevation to your advantage whenever possible.
  5. Patience is a Virtue: Don’t rush your shots. Take your time to line up each shot carefully and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.
  6. Mind Your Ammo: Keep an eye on your ammo count and reload strategically to avoid getting caught with an empty magazine in the heat of battle.
  7. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings: Pay attention to your surroundings at all times, keeping an eye out for enemy movement and potential threats. Use your minimap and audio cues to stay one step ahead of your opponents.
  8. Adapt to the Situation: Be flexible in your approach and adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the battlefield. Switch up your tactics and loadouts as needed to stay one step ahead of your opponents.
  9. Communication is Key: Coordinate with your teammates and communicate effectively to coordinate attacks, call out enemy positions, and support each other on the battlefield.
  10. Stay Calm Under Pressure: In the heat of battle, it’s easy to panic and lose focus. Stay calm, keep a steady hand, and trust in your training to see you through even the most intense firefight.


Becoming a master of marksman rifles in MW3 requires more than just picking the right weapon. It takes dedication, practice, and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics and dynamics. By following these expert tips and strategies, you can elevate your marksmanship skills and become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

So, gear up, lock and load, and prepare to unleash your inner marksman as you embark on your journey to domination in MW3. With the right mindset and skills, there’s no limit to what you can achieve with your trusty marksman rifle by your side. Happy hunting!

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