Baldur’s gate 3: how long is act 1? The Answer Might Surprise You

Baldurs gate 3  act 1

A lot of folks think of Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 1 is this short, breezy tutorial. But guess what? It’s surprisingly meaty! If you’re the type who loves exploring every nook and cranny, be prepared for a long and satisfying adventure.

Setting the Stage

So, let’s cut to the chase: how many hours can you expect to sink into Act 1? Most players find it takes about 20-25 hours for a solid playthrough. Of course, that’s just an average – your own playtime might be totally different!

Playstyles and Playtime

If you’re aiming for that “completionist” badge (and let’s face it, who isn’t tempted in a game like Baldur’s Gate 3?), be prepared for an even longer Act 1 experience. Think along the lines of 30+ hours! On the flip side, if you’re a speedrunner focused on just the main story, you could possibly squeeze through a lot faster.

It’s Not Just About Speed

Here’s the thing: Baldur’s Gate 3 is all about choices. Do you tackle every side quest? Explore all the hidden areas in Act 1? Experiment with different combat tactics? These choices will stretch your playtime. Plus, if you’re new to this type of RPG, expect a bit of a learning curve – which naturally adds some hours at the start.

Stretching or Shortening Your Playtime

You might hear that Baldur’s Gate 3, especially Act 1, forces you to play a certain way. But the beauty of this game is in how much freedom you have!

Want a LONGER Act 1?

  • Side Quests Galore: Act 1 is packed with optional adventures – helping out a Druid Grove, investigating a murder… they all add up!
  • Explore Every Corner: There are hidden areas, secret treasures… take the road less traveled, and you’ll spend way more time in Act 1.
  • Crank Up the Challenge: Higher difficulties demand more planning, more retries, and ultimately, more playtime.

In a Hurry?

  • Stick to the Main Quest: Tempting as they are, ignoring side quests will dramatically shorten your time in Act 1.
  • Know Where You’re Going: Wandering aimlessly adds time – have a rough idea of your next objective.
  • Save Scumming (With Caution!): Reloading for perfect rolls speeds things up, but be warned, it can suck some of the fun out!

Leveling Up in Act 1

Now, don’t stress about hitting an exact level before tackling Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3. However, aiming to leave Act 1 around level 4-5 is ideal.

Why Does it Matter?

  • Smoother Sailing: Entering Act 2 under-leveled makes the early bits rough! You’ll have a better time if your party’s got some skills.
  • Subtle Story Shifts: Some choices you make in Act 1 impact Act 2 in small but neat ways – being a higher level gives you more options.

But Remember…

  • It’s a guideline, not law: Worried about what level to finish Act 1 in Baldur’s Gate 3? Don’t panic! You’ll catch up eventually.
  • Play YOUR Way: Obsessing over levels can ruin the fun. Enjoy Act 1, and the levels will sort themselves out!

Secrets, Tips, and Making Act 1 Your Own

Some folks think you can thoroughly explore Act 1 in one playthrough. But guess what? There’s always something new to find, especially if you want to squeeze those extra hours out!

  • Missable goodies: Don’t want to replay Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 1 for one little item? Here are a few things players often overlook:
    • The Owlbear Cub: Easy to miss, but hilarious to tame!
    • Unique Weapons: Tucked away in hidden corners…
    • “Unimportant” Quest Rewards: Sometimes those side quests have surprisingly powerful payoffs later on.
  • Speedrun Shortcuts: Ok, maybe not for everyone, but if you’re REALLY in a hurry, there are tricks. Reloading saves to guarantee critical rolls shaves off time, but it does take away some of that D&D randomness.
  • Your Story Matters: Act 1 is full of choices with subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) consequences down the road. This massively affects your personal playtime! What influences Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 1 length? Your decisions do!

Conclusion and the Future

So, we’ve covered the average playtime, how to change it, and some tips for finding your ideal Act 1 experience. Here’s a quick recap:

  • 20-25 hours is typical: But this totally depends on your playstyle!
  • Explore and experiment: Take your time for the longest playthrough.
  • Don’t sweat the levels too much: Focus on having fun.

The Hype is Real

Ready to say goodbye to Act 1? While I won’t spoil anything, let’s just say Act 2 takes things to a whole new level. Think bigger battles, tougher choices, and even more ways to shape your adventure!

Your Turn!

Did I get your Act 1 playtime right? Or were you way off the average? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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