Best Astarion BG3 Build – Ranked

Best Astarion BG3 Build – Ranked

A lot of folks default to Astarion as a rogue in Baldur’s Gate 3, and for good reason. But is it always the best choice? Let’s break down his potential and explore why other classes might make him absolutely shine. And take a look at best Astarion BG3 Build.

The Core Three: Best Astarion Classes

1. Rogue (Thief): The Natural Fit

There’s no denying it – Astarion is a rogue through and through. His high Dexterity, default proficiencies, and backstory all scream “sneaky stabber.” Sneak Attack is where he really hurts, and those Cunning Actions let him zip around the battlefield like nobody’s business. Plus, Thief skills are perfect for a little light larceny on the side.

2. Ranger (Gloom Stalker): The Damage Powerhouse

Want a different flavor for your Astarion? Ranger, especially Gloom Stalker, turns him into an ambush predator. That first-turn damage bonus is insane, and he becomes ridiculously stealthy. Sprinkle in some ranger spells like Hunter’s Mark, and Astarion transforms into a damage-dealing machine in the early game.

3. Fighter (Battle Master): The Tactical Controller

If you like precise, tactical combat, Astarion as a Battle Master fighter is surprisingly potent. Combat maneuvers add tons of battlefield control, letting him disarm, trip, or shove foes. Action Surge grants an extra burst of attacks when you need it, and fighters can even become decently tanky with the right build.

Honorable Mentions: Viable Alternatives

Some players automatically think “magic” when it comes to Astarion, but his default ability scores don’t exactly scream “wizard.” Still, here are two options if you crave a touch of the arcane:

  • Arcane Trickster Rogue: This blends Astarion’s natural roguish talents with some magical tricks. It’s fun, but less optimized than pure Thief for damage and utility.
  • Warlock: Thematically, a vampire making a pact fits. But gameplay-wise, there’s not amazing synergy with Astarion’s stats. Still, if the roleplay aspect sings to you, it can be fun!

Should I Multiclass Astarion?

Multiclassing can add spice to Astarion, but it’s often not the optimal path. You sacrifice higher-level class features for a bit more versatility. However, there are a few tempting cases:

  • Fighter Dip: Two levels of Fighter grant Action Surge, an incredible burst of action potential for any build.
  • Situational Dips: Perhaps a single level dip into another class for one very specific spell or ability is worth it for your concept.

Should You Multiclass?

Most of the time, especially for newer players, the answer is no. Focusing on a single class for Astarion helps him reach his full potential faster. But if you’re an experienced BG3 player who loves experimenting, multiclassing can open up some truly unique builds!

Making the Most of Your Chosen Build

You might be tempted to focus solely on class when building Astarion, but don’t neglect the basics! Here’s what matters regardless of his path:

  • Ability Scores: Dexterity is king for Astarion, boosting damage, stealth, and armor. Constitution is next for survivability. Depending on your build, a bit of Strength or Intelligence might also be valuable.
  • Feats: Feats add fantastic flavor and power. Consider Dual Wielder for more weapon options, Sharpshooter if he’s ranged, or even Alert for boosting initiative.
  • Weapons: Astarion excels with finesse weapons like rapiers and shortswords. Don’t forget his bite attack as a backup option!

Beyond the Build – Roleplaying Astarion

Astarion’s personality is a blast to play with, but your class choice shapes it even more. Here’s a taste:

  • Thief Astarion: Embrace his arrogance and thirst for finer things. He likely sees battles as a means to acquire treasure.
  • Ranger Astarion: He might have a darker, survivalist streak. Perhaps he views nature as a harsh playground, justifying his vampiric tendencies.
  • Fighter Astarion: This version could be surprisingly disciplined, seeing combat as a skill to master, not just revel in.

Your Astarion’s background will flavor his dialogue choices and how he reacts to your companions. Will he play nice, or is conflict inevitable?


Many assume there’s a single, superior Astarion BG3 Build, but that’s just not true. Rogue is strong, but Ranger or Fighter can work wonders too! Ultimately, the best way to play Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3 depends on what you find the most fun.

Don’t be afraid to try something unique, or even a “suboptimal” build if it excites you. That’s where the true joy of this game lies!

So, dear reader, what kind of Astarion will you create? A ruthless thief, a deadly ranger, or a calculating fighter? Share your build ideas in the comments – let’s get inspired!

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