Top 5 Armored Core 6 Best Generator, Ranked

Armored Core veterans know that picking your generator was never too exciting in the past. Sure, you had a couple of options, but at the end of the day, one or two always rose to the top in terms of pure effectiveness. Armored Core 6 Best Generator shakes things up – generators are now way more interesting!

The Best of the Bunch: Sun Tai Generator

Armored Core 6 Best Generator, Sun Tai Generator

Let’s talk about the Sun Tai. This bad boy is the new powerhouse generator in AC6 and also included in Armored Core 6 Best Generator. It’s got a massive energy capacity, which means tons of fuel for those sweet quick boosts and soul boosts. Plus, the recharge delay is super short, so you’re back in the fight faster after a burst of movement.

Think of it like this: the Sun Tai is perfect for those aggressive AC builds. You know, the ones that love to get in your opponent’s face and unleash hellfire. It’s especially awesome with something like the Burso special weapon – load up a low-drain build and it’ll feel like you have unlimited energy for that insane assault boosting. Especially great if you’re chasing down those pesky missile boats!

Important Note: The Sun Tai’s fast recharge really shines when you keep your overall energy drain low. Pair it with cores that boost energy output, and you’ll be refilling that bar at lightning speeds!

The Energy Recharge Beast: VP20D Generator

Armored Core 6 Best Generator, VP20D Generator

The VP20D is a different kind of monster. If you played the older Armored Core games, think of it as the new and improved OB generator. It takes a second longer to start recharging, but once it gets going, WHOA! You’ll get your entire energy bar back in a flash.

The tradeoff here is downtime. To make the VP20D hum, you need to play a bit smarter. Don’t just spam boosts; throw a single one in every now and then to keep some energy in reserve. This generator rewards players who can switch up their tactics on the fly – those who love a mix of defensive and aggressive gameplay.

Focus on Specialization: VP20C and VE20C Generators

Let’s highlight how these two offer more focused advantages compared to the broader usefulness of the powerhouse generators we covered earlier.

Here’s a possible structure:

The Balanced All-Rounder: VP20C Generator

  • Explain how it’s similar to the VP20D, but with less extreme energy output.
  • Emphasize its role as a weight-saving option: perfect for those times you’re right on the edge of a speed breakpoint on your AC build.
  • Talk about how it fits well into both mid-weight and lightweight builds due to its flexibility.

The Energy Weapon Powerhouse: VE20C Generator

  • Describe its focus on boosting energy weapon damage and recharge speeds.
  • Talk about how it makes handheld energy weapons hit harder, and shoulder cannons charge faster.
  • Mention how it can be difficult to build around due to the lower energy output, but the damage potential makes it worthwhile for those dedicated AC builds.

Take Flight with the NGI-000 Generator


This is where things get really interesting. The NGI-000 generator flips traditional AC energy management on its head. Instead of avoiding gin bust (running out of energy), you’re actually encouraged to do it! Bust your energy, and you’ll get a massive chunk of your bar back in a few seconds.

Now, this alone isn’t amazing, but here’s the kicker: that initial burst of energy recovery is so big, you don’t even need to land to finish refilling. This makes the NGI-000 the absolute king of “permafly” builds focused on staying airborne.

Think about pairing this with high-flying missile builds that love to rain down chaos from above! Just remember, you’ll be waiting a few seconds to fully recharge after a gin bust, so make those moments count.

Forget Landing: The NGI-000 is All About Airtime

Okay, if you’ve played Armored Core before, you probably know that running out of energy is a big no-no. You’re basically a sitting duck until your generator kicks back in. But the NGI-000? It throws all that out the window!

This thing wants you to gin bust. Seriously! Pop that energy all the way down, and just seconds later, you’ll have a huge chunk of your energy bar back. But wait, it gets better – that initial burst is so big, you might be full up before your feet even touch the ground.

We’re talking about the ultimate generator for those crazy permafly builds. You know, the ones where you zip around the sky, missiles blazing? With the NGI-000, you can stay airborne way longer. Just remember, you’ll have a bit of downtime after that initial energy rush, so choose your targets wisely!

Have you tried a permafly build yet? Ever experimented with the NGI-000? Let us know in the comments!

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